Denair Unified School District

Mark Hodges
Mr. Mark Hodges
Director of FCMOT
Phone: (209) 632-7514 ext. 1215
Fax: (209) 632-9194
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Use of District Facilities

Use of District Facilities

Jerri Pierce, Administrative Assistant
Phone: (209) 632-7514 ext. 1215 Fax: (209) 632-9194

If you are involed with an organization and would like to use one of the facilities in the Denair Unified School District please folllow the steps below:
  1. Review the Facility Use Guide below. A fees schedule is also included in the guide.
  2. Contact Administrative Assistant, to determine if the facility is available.(Please note that this schedule changes daily.)
  3. Print, complete and sign the Use of Facility form that is included in the guide below. *Forms are also available at the district office.
  4. Mail (Attn: FCMOT) or deliver the original completed and signed application to the district office for approval. 
Measure K and Measure Z - Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee Upcoming Meeting Agendas

Measure K and Measure Z - Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee Upcoming Meeting Agendastitle

Bond Oversight Committee Members

  • Denise Hurd
  • Rusty Wynn
  • Travis Lake
  • Melissa Cherry
  • Marcia Smith
  • Vacancy 1 - parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the district AND be active in a parent-teacher organization such as PTA or a school site council.
  • Vacancy 2 - active in a bona-fide taxpayers’ association.
Although we have two vacancies, we are accepting application in all areas as all terms are up this year. Please consider being joining the Bond Oversight Committee which oversees Measure K and Measure Z! The Bylaws and Application provide more information. Please reach out to if you have any questions. 

Citizens' Bond Committee Agendas

Bond Oversight Committee Bylaws and Application

Applications continue to be available until all vacancies are filled. Those interested should review the committee's bylaws and complete and application. Please submit to Denair Unified School District Business Office Attention: Chief Business Official 
