In the winter of 1996, Denair Unified School District created a plan to provide network resources and Internet access to every classroom in the district. The project went out to bid in the spring and trenches were dug to hold fiber optic and copper cable. The system went online just before the close of the 1996-97 school year. Over the summer, more than 175 computers were configured for network and Internet access and web browsers and e-mail client software were installed on each computer. Staff members were trained in the use of e-mail at the beginning of the 1997-98 school year and e-mail has become the main methods of communication throughout the district. Denair Unified School District was one of the first districts in Stanislaus County to provide an Internet connected computer in every classroom and instructional area.
Denair Unified School District is a cross platform district. Most of the 750 site and classroom computers are Macintosh computers, but Windows PCs can be found in some labs and in District business offices. Network services are provided to users by a mix of twenty five Macintosh Xserves and Mac mini servers, and Dell rack-mount servers. These servers provide many services including e-mail, web, DNS, file sharing and back up, student information systems, food and nutrition systems, library systems, as well as numerous instructional programs. Spam and web filtering are handled by Barracuda Networks appliances. The district maintains a gigabit Internet fiber connection to Stanislaus County Office of Education.
The Technology Team serves as the district's staff technology developers, network administrators, WebMasters, technical support people, technology purchasing agents, technology project coordinators and general technology cheerleaders.
As you can see, technology education is important in Denair Unified School District!